Amanda Bynes has shared her first photo on social media in months, marking her first public outing in a decade. The photo shows her at an art gallery in Los Angeles, where she was presenting some of her art. She co-hosted the show with the designer Austin Babbitt.
The photo was shared on her Instagram and shows Bynes wearing an all-black outfit made out of a top and pants. The top was made up of two pieces tied by some strings, with the look rounded out by some boots.
Bynes wore her hair blonde and styled back, a marked departure from her dark hairstyle.
The photo shows her posing with her best friend Liam Poulsen, with him kissing her cheek and Bynes blowing a kiss to the camera. He also wore black for the occasion, with the two wearing matching outfits.
Bynes was one of the designers whose work was featured on the show, hosted on the Plants & Spaces gallery.
More details about Bynes’ art show
Poulsen congratulated her on the gallery debut, sharing a message on his Instagram. “Congratulations Amanda on your beautiful art show. This is an incredible turnout,” he wrote.
“Thank you, Austin for everything.”
Fans of Bynes dropped messages on Poulson’s Instagram post, praising Bynes’ look and the fact that she appears to be feeling and looking healthier.
“I’m sure you’re an AMAZING friend to her, I can literally see some light in her face and it makes me so happy to see her smiling and looking genuinely happy,” wrote someone in the comments.
“She is supported and loved and I really hope all the GOOD words and support outweigh everything else and she lets that carry her, because she deserves so much happiness and it’s just great to see her doing things that make her happy.”
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