Since the 1990s, Salma Hayek has been a timeless icon of beauty and style. At the 2025 Golden Globes, the Mexican actress made a bold statement as she graced the red carpet. Although not nominated this year, her presence is a must, as she took on the role of presenter at one of Hollywood’s most prestigious events.”
The 58-year-old actress continues to amaze with each public appearance, setting trends wherever she goes. She dazzled not only with her stunning dress but also with a spectacular beauty look that is sure to be one of the favorites of 2025.
Salma Hayek’s bold and beautiful look at the 2025 Golden Globes
Hayek has consistently dazzled on runways, festivals, and award shows, showcasing looks that remain true to her essence while offering a fresh and unexpected twist. At the 2025 Golden Globes, one of Hollywood’s most anticipated events, the Mexican star captivated in a deep brown Gucci gown featuring a plunging V-neck and shimmering sequins. She elevated the look with a stunning emerald choker that perfectly complemented her eye shadow.
However, it wasn’t just her attire that captured attention. Salma Hayek made a bold statement by embracing her gray hair, making an statement about aging gracefully. In an era where “eternal youth” is often glorified—particularly following the release of “The Substance,” starring Demi Moore and Margaret Qualley—Hayek’s decision to showcase her natural beauty marked a refreshing shift. Could her empowering appearance inspire more women to celebrate their gray hair? Time will tell, but her message was unmistakable: aging is both natural and beautiful.
Emerald Eyes: The beauty trend taking over in 2025
The hottest beauty trend of 2025 is expected to be emerald green eye shadow. The look gained momentum after Victoria Beckham showcased her signature “emerald eyes” makeup style on social media, sparking a wave of admiration and imitation across platforms.
Hayek brought her unique twist to the trend at the 2025 Golden Globes. She opted for a smokey emerald eye shadow that perfectly complemented her brown eyes, paired with glowing, natural-looking skin and nude lips that let her eyes take the spotlight.
Green shadows are becoming a favorite for many, particularly for those with brown eyes. Why? The complementary color combination enhances and illuminates, creating a sophisticated and seductive gaze. With celebrities like Victoria Beckham and Salma Hayek leading the way, “emerald eyes” are set to dominate beauty trends this year.
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